#!/bin/sh # # This script was written by Jake Vickers for the Qmailtoaster-Plus package. # It installs the QControlPE package, a replacement for vqadmin that does not have the issues that vqadmin does. ORIG=`pwd` qtp=/opt/qmailtoaster-plus qtp_downloads=/opt/qmailtoaster-plus/downloads QCPCURRENT=http://qcontrol.qmailtoaster.com/download/qcontrol/QControlPE-current.noarch.rpm echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "Installing QControlPE." echo "This has only been checked on CentOS 4.x and CentOS 5.x machines, using 32bit architecture." echo "If you install QControlPE on other systems, you do so at your own risk." echo "" echo "" sleep 5 # We check to see if a download directory exists first. if [ ! -d $qtp_downloads ]; then mkdir -p $qtp_downloads fi # We skip checking for dependencies; if you don't have Qmailtoaster-Plus installed already, # how are you running this? cd $qtp_downloads wget -q $QCPCURRENT rpm -Uvh QControlPE-current.noarch.rpm